Not only are you are great photographer, but have a gift with words. I am glad to see you on Substack. Your story is heartbreaking and unfortunately it’s not the only one either. Reading it again makes my blood boil and also gives me fuel to keep fighting for the unsuspecting public. We trusted in the system. No one thinks it is going to happen to them…until it does.

I look forward to more of your posts!!

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Hey Kim! Thank you so much. Writing this fueled up on coffee and with a hazy and mushy brain, I was worried it would come out insane.

Yes, it is heartbreaking for so many of us. And is your story as well. The pharma industry is a evil herd of drug dealers that must be put down like the dogs they are.

I just hope that our journeys are heard. Our scars and conditions are healed. And we stop this from happening to anyone else.

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Welcome! I’m not writing much. Most of my wit is spent in message replies and comments all over the media. God Bless!

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Hey! Thank you. <3 I can understand that. Sometime the replies and the comments are the best. Hope you are doing good and hope to see you at another event in the future!

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Oct 6Liked by Cat Parker Photography

Your photography is beautiful and I believe your heart is as well! If it wasn’t, you wouldn’t be able to keep your sense of humor in your situation. I applaud you for that and I will pray for you and all of the other vaccine victims!

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Thank you Andrew, I truly appreciate it. It is my therapy for sure. haha yep I try to keep a sense of humor in all of this. It has gotten me through alot on my life. Thank you for the prayers, we will take all the prayers we can get.

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I started off writing, slowly at first until the therapeutic effects became apparent to me. I picked up the pace writing stuff about my heritage and lessons on life for the children and grandchildren. I’m not the greatest writer, far from it, but I do have a lot to say and hope it helps others.

The nuns back at Sacred Heart Elementary would probably be shocked as I hated writing so much that they made an agreement with me. As long as I passed tests, they wouldn’t tell my parents that I wasn’t doing homework. They felt that mom had enough on her hands with about 9 children at the time, 14 eventually, they didn’t want to add to her burden.

Have a great and blessed day!

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Sep 12Liked by Cat Parker Photography

Thank you for telling your story ma'am and welcome to Substack.

I am Australian and in 2021 thousands of us walked off the job because we refused to be vaccinated. This is what we did and it was the most banned protest in Australian history: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/hidden-protest-the-day-a-group-of

Most people are extremely traumatised from what we went through, even though we are unjabbed. No one is really doing that great.

Since then I have been documenting and recording what happened here which was a domestic terrorism operation run with the US Department of Defense. You are welcome to look through my articles, everything is backed up with documents.

Best wishes.

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And thank you for the support. I truly appreciate it. I know so many of you lost so much also refusing the shots. It was a no win situation for all of us.

We must rally together and fight for our communities and support those that need help. I understand the traumatization. I am still traumatized.

Thank you for the offer of information. I will take you up on that.

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Sep 14Liked by Cat Parker Photography

I 100% agree. They want us divided and fighting each other.

My vaccinated neighbour told me I should be 'liquidated in a camp' for being unvaccinated while they were building a large camp up the road from me in the desert. His was the majority opinion at the time.

I could have given up and retreated and perpetuated the division, but I know that is what 'they' want. So I choose unity with those who will work with me, no matter their 'status' including race, religion, or anything. All are welcome to fight tyranny with me.

The protests here in Australia were HUGE, and people were uniting who had never united before. Ethnic tensions were put away and that scared the hell out of the power structure. Now they are doing their best to divide us again and I will not have a bar of it.

Keep fighting ma'am.

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You too hun! I have some amazing friends in Australia that are still fighting but also still suffering. We have yall's back also! Check out https://coverse.org.au/ Rado is in my support group and a amazing warrior!

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Sep 14Liked by Cat Parker Photography

Have you seen this?


I was just thinking I would be happy to do something similar in Australia but had no idea where to start.

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I had not seen it. Thank you for sending that over. Start with Rado at Coverse. I am sure he would def do something. Also one of the vax injured pop stars TyDi in Au would probably do something. He is in my group also. I could probably put you in touch with him. Send me your contact info poplme.co/catparkerphoto

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Sep 4Liked by Cat Parker Photography

Thank you for sharing! Check out www.operationtruth.net. I am on the foundation.

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Please connect as well. poplme.co/catparkerphoto. The support groups are under this bio link. Facebook and Trialsite news I have two support groups. Please feel free to share your substack on there as well.

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Sep 4Liked by Cat Parker Photography

About David:

I hope readers will appreciate that I have just given away three years of my life’s work FOR FREE by obtaining open access funding for “Covid-19,” Psychological Operations, and the War for Technocracy, Volume 1. Under a Creative Commons 4.0 licence, you can legally download and redistribute the entire 400-page, peer-reviewed e-book, which passed all quality assurance checks at a respected academic publisher, with paying anything. The flip side of this is that I receive no income from the book in royalties, fees, etc.

I intend to publish sections of Volume 2 of “Covid-19,” Psychological Operations, and the War for Technocracy for paid subscribers as and when they are ready. I also invite expressions of interest from potential book publishers. 

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We appreciate all the warriors and those that have given blood, sweat and tears to this cause. Thank you!

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Sep 4Liked by Cat Parker Photography

Hello Cat Parker. I loved you at hello. Thanks for following me. You’ve inspired me to write my first post, thank you. I’m currently reading David A.Hughes free book. I’ll drop a link below. Chapter 5 rocked my world. It’s titled “Cognitive Attack” and details how the PTB scrambled everyone’s brains during Covid. It’s brilliant. Your girls are beautiful btw. Patrick

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Awww thank you Patrick! I appreciate that. I look forward to reading your next posts. Keep it up!

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Aug 22Liked by Cat Parker Photography

Hi Cat, I'm always looking for someone enough of a maverick to even be able to process what I want them to know as it is that far outside the box yet explains everything in my opinion. You could let me know whether it also answers a lot of questions for you.

There's an image that has my email here if you'd like to hear this, it is so edgy that I have never publicly written about it. On this page I just happened to be un-erasing a bunch of VAERS data, mundane by comparison:


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Yes I would. It may take me a minute to process it with the brain.

But it is important. Praying Hawk aka Julie has been diving deep Into the VAERS data. She would be one to also connect with. She is very much like me.

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What I meant is, my email is available on that old page, I wouldn't expect you to focus on that page content otherwise, this is something else entirely that I'd like to talk with you about.

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Aug 21Liked by Cat Parker Photography

Great job. Keep going with you heart felt and honest writing and beautiful photography. As a public health nutritionist for 22 years and now an alternative medical practitioner (certified in several modalities), I wish to get the word out that there are remedies for vaccine injury and long haul Covid. Contact me at lmillar0927@icloud.com. I've been banned from all the normal channels, too, and lost many friends and family members over this issue. I still try to get the word out when someone will listen, about this disastrous experiment from the corporate-government partnership. They have no accountability; it is all about the money and they intend to continue poisoning people under false pretenses that vaccines are safe and effect. There is no proof of that and there never has been. I tell it like it is.

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Laura, thank you so much. I appreciate that.

Yes! I would love to connect with you. I have a support group of over 5k from all over the world. Here is my contact bio link. www.poplme.co/catparkerphoto. I would be more than happy to list you on our resource list and have you join the support group and post as you like. The support group is under my link as well under Facebook and TrialSite News.

I like you already!! You are a woman after my own heart. Tell it like it is!! haha that either gets me far or gets me banned. No inbetween.

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Aug 21Liked by Cat Parker Photography

Prayers 🙏🏻 Cat

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Thank you Sharon!

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Aug 21Liked by Cat Parker Photography

Excellent first Substack!! Looking forward to the next one.

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Thank you!

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Aug 24Liked by Cat Parker Photography

You’re welcome!

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Aug 21Liked by Cat Parker Photography

Thank you for this Substack! I am j and j injured 4/21 too. Also on SSD. Your experience totally resonates. Did you try suing your employer? Beautiful beautiful photography. Thank you for sharing your interesting life and health journey with us . Looking forward to more..

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Hi Nicole. Thank you, I appreciate that. We sound like twinsies here. I have tried to find an attorney to sue the employer. No calls back except for the ones I know, who are not licensed in the state. Still trying.

I appreciate that. I miss getting out. I still try but it is hard. But hopefully I can share more and eventually do more.

I have a support group on FB and Trialsite News. Please join. We have resources and support. It is good to have others that know what you are going through.



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Aug 21Liked by Cat Parker Photography

Hi Cat. Good to see you on Substack.

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Hey Charles! Thank you. Good to be here. Now if I can stay awake, I will be ok.

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Aug 21Liked by Cat Parker Photography

Well done, Cat! People need to hear your story, and you tell it in such a raw and honest way. Thank you!

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Thank you PJ. I know no other way but honest and to the point. I appreciate the support.

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